
It can be the beginning of a day, when the sun is edging over the curvature of a revolving planet and those animals that has been hiding from carnivores during the time of dark must decide when to abandon their place of security. The hunters must decide when the conditions no longer favor them in the scramble for life or death. It is a race which goes back in time far byond the memory of the participants, their only edge is the lessons learned in their life and memories stored in the genes of the endless line of survivors they represent.
It can be the beginning of a life, the first cry of a newborn brought into a hostile and strange world by the forces of life. Their greeting to the potential, to the reality that creates this magic moment, to the demanding reality that requires them to embrace those winds of chaos that is carried into their novel life. In this beginning many decisions are made, creating a potential for succes in this new, strange world.
It can be the beginning of an idea, a blinding insight in a creative mind, starting a process which can shatter empires or create paradises. In this first flash of understanding, of the potential of an insight, decisions are made, decisions that can alter our reality forever, leaving a web of concequences through the times to come.
It can bee the beginning of a text, the creation of a bond between the writer and the reader. In these first lines decisions are made, decisions wich can alter the consequences of the impact the text has on the reader, on our lives, on mankind, on our future. A text is more than a collection of letters and words, it is a creative device wich has the potential of manifesting strong concepts in the minds of humans. These concepts can be viewed as newborn in a strange world where they have to fend for themselves. But if the decisions are carelessly made, these newborn can grow fast, become strong and powerful, and influence our thoughts, our words, our actions and even our perception of reality itself. As fully grown they can take on the mantle of ideologies, paving the way with hatred and hostility towards the state of war - war beeing the ultimate manifestation of ideas.
Beginnings are such difficult times. Then be sure to recognise them in your life and that the balances are right, that you favor the constructive over the destructive, right over wrong, love over hate, acceptance over denial, truth over lies, life over death. Be sure to balance in favor of that wich has created you, created everything you love and even created the world we live upon:
Life itself.
In such beginnings lies the promises of a peaceful future.
Beginnings are such difficult times. And in every beginning there is an end...
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