
Time of Lies...

Another day is ending, and the life goes on. More lies are disclosed. And it is disclosed that this lying is deliberate to try to "change reality". Many years ago the powerpeople found out it is simpler to change what people believe is reality than to change reality itself. This has been openly admitted is the basis of powerful political organizations. So take this into consideration next time you are to vote for any political system: they would rather lie than do what they promise in their campaigns. It is soooo much more inexpensive.

And who are the liars? Anyone who is demanded by law to be truthful!

In their quest to "create reality" they forget that they are not creating anything but lies, and the reality is that the fabric of society itself is beeing eroded away in this process, mainly by neglect and distrust. Just think of this: is it possible to have a society where nobody can be trusted?


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