Fragments of Now

Welcome to reality - these fragments of now creating us and our lives - directing I/You/We towards a destiny created by all true living creatures.
Welcome to now - this wery instant your eyes follow these words - connecting with concepts from your own mental universe - creating enligtenment and understanding.
Welcome to this sacred now wich is our frame of exsistence - boundaries of reality that can be circumvented in the mental world - the secrets byond becomes unmasked for the enlighted.
I will here present to You a model of our mutual reality as it is experienced by I/You/We. I have, using my feeble powers of written communication, tried to formulate the fundamental concepts that creates the reality in wich we all exists - both individually and collectively.
I pray these formulations bring light into places of darkness:
Fragments of Now
Life has of Man only one demand: Live until you die
* * *
The ten Fundamentals:
Man is created in the image of the Universe
Man is a mental excistence made possible by his physical manifestation
Man can only directly sense contrasts
The experience man has of Reality is created by the contrast between two Universes - Me/not Me. Me being the interior Universe and not Me being the exterior Universe
There are tree levels to each of the two Universes:
- the level of manifestations - reality,
- the level of systems - reasons,
- the level of principles - faith.
Beyond these levels there are: nothing.
Time is a constant - the eternal Now - the everlasting instant when the ongoing
processes manifest themselves in our senses
Time as man senses it is a faculty given him by Life - not a reality of the external
Chaos manifests itself as Energy in the external and as Fear in the internal Universe
Order manifests itself as Life in the external and as Self in the internal Universe
To know the Universe Man must know himself. The contrast between the internal and external Universe creates Man's perception of Reality - the basis of the actions wich creates
Our common Future.....
Fragments of Now
Life has of Man only one demand: Live until you die
* * *
The ten Fundamentals:
Man is created in the image of the Universe
Man is a mental excistence made possible by his physical manifestation
Man can only directly sense contrasts
The experience man has of Reality is created by the contrast between two Universes - Me/not Me. Me being the interior Universe and not Me being the exterior Universe
There are tree levels to each of the two Universes:
- the level of manifestations - reality,
- the level of systems - reasons,
- the level of principles - faith.
Beyond these levels there are: nothing.
Time is a constant - the eternal Now - the everlasting instant when the ongoing
processes manifest themselves in our senses
Time as man senses it is a faculty given him by Life - not a reality of the external
Chaos manifests itself as Energy in the external and as Fear in the internal Universe
Order manifests itself as Life in the external and as Self in the internal Universe
To know the Universe Man must know himself. The contrast between the internal and external Universe creates Man's perception of Reality - the basis of the actions wich creates
Our common Future.....
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