
Dark clouds on the horizon...

The last days I have tried to feel the level of insight among those who use the net to communicate. It is depressing. But those I have been in contact with are scool-kids in the US, I believe. How do that country manage to produse such stupidity and bloodlust? These kids are tomorrows soldiers, they are the ones who, with weapens of terror and death in their white hands, are to further the plans of the neo-cons in Washington. And with the lack of respect and knowledge they are demonstrating when it comes to their own country and the rest of the World, I fear thet no good will come out of this.

The US are already alienating themselves from the rest of the world, behaving like a stupid bully in a scoolyard. Terrorising everyone who don't fall for their stupidity and hail them as Gods own People. The people of the US is now in the process of dividing, dividing into the police and the policed. I hope I am wrong, but the signs are many and homogenus: We can see the rise of a fundamentalistic facsist state.

This will wery soon become a problem for the rest of the world to deal with. Facists are not the kind of people who make good neighbours, for anyone. And, as strange this may seem, the only ones that seems to be doing anything are the so called "terrorists" in Iraq and Al Queda, who are fighting this rising snake in the house of Gaia. We live in times of chaos, brought around by greed, lies and the inaction of true humans.

We have yet to learn that action and inaction both shapes our common future. Inaction is far from any guaratee of a humane future - history have shown us this lesson thousands of years ago. Inaction paves the way for those who act without wisdom, the demons in the flesh of men.

I fear for a time to come, not to long in the future, when we will rewrite an old US proverb:

Only a dead american is a good american.


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